Healthcare Polyclinic

7 Natural Remedies for Treating Your Child’s Cold and Flu

7 Natural Remedies for Treating Your Child's Cold and Flu

It can be challenging for you and your child both when they have the flu or a cold. Some parents choose natural solutions to aid in their child’s recovery. So, here are seven simple natural treatments that can assist your child’s symptoms and immune system. However, never forget to check with your child’s doctor before attempting any new treatments.

  1. Honey and Lemon
  2. Chicken Soup
  3. Eucalyptus Oil
  4. Saline Nasal Drops
  5. Ginger Tea
  6. Steamy Showers
  7. Rest and Hydration
  8. Why Should You Choose Healthcare Polytechnic For Your Child’s Pediatric Needs?
  9. FAQs

Honey and Lemon

Honey and lemon are a well-known and relaxing cure because of their calming effects. Warm water should be combined with a spoonful of raw honey and freshly squeezed lemon juice. Encourage your youngster to drink this delectable mixture. Lemon delivers vitamin C, which boosts the immune system, and honey soothes the throat.

Chicken Soup

A warm bowl of homemade chicken soup can work wonders for a sick child. While the nutrients in the soup assist their immune system, the steam aids in clearing congestion. Add ingredients like carrots, onions, and garlic to the soup to increase its therapeutic effects.

Eucalyptus Oil

Natural decongestant eucalyptus oil can help clear up nasal congestion. A bowl of hot water with a few drops of eucalyptus oil added can be used to create steam that you can supervise your youngster breathing in. To assist them breathe more easily while they sleep, you might also use a diffuser in their room.

Saline Nasal Drops

Children with blocked nasal passages may have trouble breathing and falling asleep. Congestion can be relieved gently and naturally with saline nasal sprays. Making a saline solution is as simple as mixing one cup of warm water with half a teaspoon of salt. Use a dropper or a nasal spray to administer a few drops into each nostril.

Ginger Tea

Strong antiviral and anti-inflammatory qualities in ginger can reduce the symptoms of the cold and flu. Pour boiling water over freshly grated ginger to make a cup of ginger tea. You can add a spoonful of honey to improve the flavour. Encourage your youngster to savour a warm cup of this comforting beverage.

Steamy Showers

Showers with plenty of steam are a great method to reduce congestion and pain. Encourage your youngster to take a warm shower or transform the bathroom into a little steam chamber by shutting the door and running the hot water to produce steam.

Rest and Hydration

Rest and fluid intake are sometimes the best treatments for colds and the flu. To keep your child hydrated, encourage them to consume lots of liquids such as water, herbal teas, and diluted fruit juices. Make sure they receive enough sleep so their immune system can effectively fight the virus.

Although treating a child’s cold or flu might be difficult, these natural remedies can help them feel better and speed up their recovery. Always remember to check with your child’s doctor before trying any new treatments, particularly if they have ongoing medical issues or are receiving medication.

Why Should You Choose Healthcare Polytechnic For Your
Child’s Pediatric Needs?

The paediatricians on our staff have a plethora of knowledge of treating a range of paediatric illnesses. We attempt to provide a space where kids feel safe and loved because we recognise their special needs. Our all-encompassing method of care considers your child’s emotional and social growth in addition to their physical health.

Remember to always contact a paediatrician if these natural remedies do not seem to provide any solace to your child. Make Healthcare Polytechnic your trusted healthcare provider, and rest assured that your child will receive top-notch treatment in a warm and supportive environment. Visit our website at or call us at 966138085111


Can I use these natural remedies for my child’s cold and flu alongside prescribed

Always get advice from your child’s doctor before giving them any natural remedies in
addition to their prescription drugs. While the majority of herbal therapies are safe,
some could interfere with specific medicines.

How often should I give my child honey and lemon for their cold or flu?

You can give a honey and lemon mixture diluted in warm water to children over the
age of one as needed many times per day. However, it is crucial to avoid giving honey
to infants younger than a year old owing to the possibility of botulism. Ensure that your
child is not sensitive to honey or citrus fruits, and always use raw honey.

Are saline nasal drops safe for infants?

Infants’ nasal passageways can be cleared with the use of saline nasal drops.
However, it is crucial to utilise specially made infant-specific saline drops and adhere to
all given directions.

How long should my child rest when they have a cold or flu?

Depending on how sick your child is, different amounts of rest may be required.
Generally speaking, it is advised to give your youngster plenty of time to rest up till they
feel better. Encourage them to take it easy and pay attention to their bodies.

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